सोमवार, ५ ऑक्टोबर, २००९

How to Get Free Electricity

खालील लिंक ओपन करा ....

Freeze a beer in two seconds - Magic Trick

How To Connect Your Laptop To Your Television

Home Entertainment:
How To Connect Your Laptop To Your Television

Power your TV using a AAA battery

More DIY videos at 5min.com

How To Make A USB Mini Fridge

How To Make A USB Mini Fridge

Remotely shut down a Windows PC with a cell phone

Want to have the power to shut down your Windows PC from most anywhere on the planet? With the hack outlined in this video tutorial, you can। In order to perform this trick, you'll need the following: (1) Microsoft Windows (e.g., XP or Vista), (2) Microsoft Outlook, (3) a POP-3 e-mail account, (4) a kwiry account, and (5) a cell phone that can send text messages. For easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions in this how-to video on getting this simple, but impressive, hack to work on your own Windows computer, take a look!

Make your own air conditioner

Make Your Own Air Conditioner - The most amazing bloopers are here